Music Video production for Krishangi Lila songUser's  Krishangi Lila project in the category Music

My name is Krishangi Lila, born in Estonia and named as Kai by birth. But Krishangi Lila name is my spiritual name given by my spiritual master from bhakti yoga tradition.

Approximately last 20 years I have been living abroad and returned to Estonia only for short periods in summertime. My lifepath brought me first to Norway where I studied western classical singing, and then furtheron I lived for 12 years in bhaktiyoga ashram in Southern Belgium where I came in contact with mantra singing and kirtan. Last few years I have been travelling around the world facilitating mantra, harmonium and voice healing workshops in Europe and in Asia.

I have background in many different singing styles, as I started singing since I was 3 years old and then continued singing in different choirs, folk music groups, medieval music ensemble and recently have been studying Indian classical Dhrupad style with Gundecha Brothers in Bhopal, India.

This has all greatly influenced my singing and composing style at the present moment that I would call a spiritual world music. One can hear the estonian folk music, medieval style and Dhrupad style infusing all together into a beautiful blend of vocal expression.


This Estonian spiritual folksong “Mu süda ärka üles” ( “My heart please awaken”) took birth while I was travellig in Thailand last year, and I was sitting at the riverside playing flute and watching the beautiful Doi Luang Mountain at Chiang Dao, and somehow I felt little bit homesick. I was reminded the beautiful and grounding nature in Estonia. And these lyrics just passed through my mind and evoked the mood of longing. Longing for the Divine, longing for the home where I belong, and that in the sense of spirituality and also for Estonia as my homeland.

During my travels I also met two wonderful musicians with whom I collaborated for the recording, Ziya Tabassian on sufi percussion and Jonathan Kay on esraj.

Even though I have been singing and performing for many years, I have never done a music video for any of my previous songs. So I considered this will be the right time to do so, and also it would be as a token of appreciation to Estonian culture and nature where my roots are.


When returning to Estonia I contacted Siiri Kumari whom I know as an art photographer creating these mystical fairytale scenes with her work. You can have a look on her mysterious photography art at

I felt so much that this song was meant for fairies and fairytale like scenery.

As this song is meditative and 13 minutes long, we planned for a short film, instead of just a music video that usually is much shorter.

The script is talking about a fairy who loses her way in the forest and is misguided by the witchcraft into the dark swamp where she drowns. As the light wins always over the darkness, so also in this story the divine guide appears who saves her and revitalizes her with five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether and in this way giving back to her powers and life force.

Its metaphorical for the soul journey that is always seeking for the Truth in this world, but sometimes gets covered and illusioned and falls into the darkest wells of agony and misery. But we always have our spiritual guides with us, the small voice in the heart that guides us out from these moments of distress and gives back the soul purpose.

In the saviour guardian angel role in this movie will be Gaura Nataraja (Aleksei Furdak) who is known as an Indian Classical Dance Bharat Natyam dancer, and the fairy will be played by Krishangi Lila.

For filming this fairytale in Estonian forest near Kiisa, we will be using days and nights to gain the proper lighting for events. Lighting crew bestows of three people - Jako Krull, Toomas Tatar, Kristjan Tenso who are creating settings for all the scenes. Special fairy makeup is done by Maret Ubaleht and the whole film is directed by Siiri Kumari.

As the rent of the lighting equipement, transportation and the crew fees are increasing the budget of this short movie, I kindly request you to support us to produce this movie so that it will reach the audience soon. The postproduction of the movie will take until December, and we plan to have the premiere December 15, 2018.


The reward of a photosession from Siiri Kumari is possible only in Estonia unfortunately, but her beautiful and mystical photography art prints can be sent to you allover the world. You can choose a print according to your taste at her website

As I am travelling, I am willing to give the workshops and mantra singing evenings whenever I am at your residing country. The rewards as appreciation postcards can be sent to you by post.


I would be realy grateful if you are able to support our project, and make a dream come true to release the first music video in my life.

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  • 5%raised
  • 680€pledged
  • 39 days to go