Tiina Sööt
Tiina Sööt (1986) tegutseb etenduskunstide, performance’i, koreograafia ja visuaalsete kunstide alal. Kuigi tema põhitöövahendiks on esineja keha laval, töötab ta ka installatsioonide, joonistuste ja tekstidega. Sööt on õppinud ökoloogiat ja teatriteadust Tartu Ülikoolis, tegevuskunsti Eesti Kunstiakadeemias ja performatiivseid kunste Viini Vabade Kunstide Akadeemias. Alates 2012. aastast töötab Sööt koos austria kunstniku Dorothea Zeyringeriga nime all „Sööt/Zeyringer“. Duo huviobjektiks on tekst, kõne ja liikumine ning nende omavahelised seosed rütmi ja ajastuse kaudu. Lisaks teeb Tiina koostööd rumeenia uusmeedia kunstniku Ioan Cerneiga ning oma õe, etenduskunstniku Mai Söödiga. Tiina Sööt on valitud Vaba Lava 2015/16 hooaja programmi, et toetada alustava kunstniku järgmist sammu tema loometeel.
Tiina Sööt (1986, Tartu, Estonia) is a performance and visual artist working and living both
in Vienna and Tallinn. She studied ecology and biodiversity (BA) and theatre research at the
University of Tartu, performing arts at the Estonian Academy of Arts (MA) and performative
art at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She had an internship at brut Vienna as the artistic
and production assistant of Oleg Soulimenko and at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt as a
dramaturgy assistant. Since 2009, she has created several solo and group performances in
various frames, including imagetanz (Vienna, 2013), Wir lassen es einfach angelehnt at
VBKÖ (Vienna, 2012), Polymer Culture Factory Festival (Tallinn, 2012), NU Performance
Festival IV (Tallinn, 2011) and Performance Laboratorium 3 (Linz, 2011). Tiina is currently
involved artistically in a duo Sööt/Zeyringer and with a Romanian new media artist Ioan Cernei.
Tiina Sööt (1986, Tartu, Estonia) is a performance and visual artist working and living both
in Vienna and Tallinn. She studied ecology and biodiversity (BA) and theatre research at the
University of Tartu, performing arts at the Estonian Academy of Arts (MA) and performative
art at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She had an internship at brut Vienna as the artistic
and production assistant of Oleg Soulimenko and at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt as a
dramaturgy assistant. Since 2009, she has created several solo and group performances in
various frames, including imagetanz (Vienna, 2013), Wir lassen es einfach angelehnt at
VBKÖ (Vienna, 2012), Polymer Culture Factory Festival (Tallinn, 2012), NU Performance
Festival IV (Tallinn, 2011) and Performance Laboratorium 3 (Linz, 2011). Tiina is currently
involved artistically in a duo Sööt/Zeyringer and with a Romanian new media artist Ioan Cernei.
Viimased tegevused
Minu projektid
- 104%kogutud
- 1656€toetatud
- Toetatud19.10.2015