
BOB lavale!Пользователь  Liisi Suitsberg проект в категории Кино и фотография

Best of BFM (BOB) on Balti filmi, meedia ja kunstide instituudi iga-aastane tudengite loomefestival, mille raames avatakse kaheks nädalaks avalikkusele kooli uksed ning kutsutakse BFMi kinno värskete tudengifilmidega tutvuma. Peale linastusnädalaid vaatab filmid üle žürii, kes selgitab välja parimatest parimad, mille tegijad autasustakse pidulikul galal juunis.

See on see, mida avalike suhete tiim käskis mul siia kirjutada. Tegelikult on BOB aasta suursündmus kogu BFM-le, nö püha-päev kõikidele filmi-meedia-kunstide tudengitele, you know. Ega ma loomeainete tudengina majandusest palju matsu ei jaga, aga mida ma tean on see, et kogu maailma majandus on suht kaevuaugus omadega ja seepärast öeldi mulle, et kui raha ise ei leia, siis lava ei saa. Lava, ei saa??!! Meil on siiski 13. juunil SUUUUR filmi gala tulemas ja sa ütled mulle, et ma ei saa lava? Ei, ei, ei, nii küll äri ei tehta.

Siin ma nüüd siis olen, alandlikult palumas natuke sinu toetust, et oma parimatest parimad lavale tuua ja puhuda neile selle esimese magusa auhinna võidu tuult tiibadesse.

Ausalt öeldes mul väga vahet pole, kes sa oled. Oled sa pottsepp, insener, õpetaja, tisler, kaitseväelane, kokk, koristaja, tippjuht, assistent, laotööline või äkki isegi edukas BFMi vilistlane? Oleks üübertänulik, kui gala korraldamisesse oma panuse annaksid.

PS! Ära saa valesti aru, ma ei taha haletsust


Best of BFM (BOB) is the annual student creativity festival of the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, during which the school opens its doors to the public for two weeks and invites them to the BFM cinema to watch fresh student films. After the screening weeks, the films are reviewed by a jury, which selects the best of the best to be honored at a ceremonial gala in June.

This is what my public relations team told me to write here. Actually, BOB is the biggest event of the year for all of BFM, sort of a Holy day for all film-media-arts students, you know. As a creative student, I don't really get much about economics, but what I do know is that the whole world economy is pretty much in the dumps right now, so they told me if we don't find the money ourselves, we won't get the stage. No stage?!! We still have a HUUUGE film gala coming on June 13th, and you're telling me we won't get the stage? No, no, no, that's not how business works.

Here I am, humbly asking for a bit of your support to bring our best of the best to the stage and give them the wind of victory for their first sweet prize win.

Honestly, I don't really care who you are. Whether you're a plumber, engineer, teacher, carpenter, soldier, chef, cleaner, top executive, assistant, warehouse worker, or maybe even a successful BFM alumni? I would be super grateful if you could contribute to organizing the gala.

PS! Please don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for pity.



  • 5 поддержавших
  • 90€собрано от запланированных 2200€


Проект не был поддержан и был закрыт 28.May.2024

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