optais amme: ma olen jätkuvalt loomises ja taasloomisesKasutaja  Sofia Filippou projekt kategoorias Teater

Optais amme on koreograafiline kohaspetsiifiline ooperiinstallatsioon. optais amme on 36 keha ja lossi varemed, mõlemad asuvad millekski saamise ja lagunemise vahepeal. Ungru lossi varemed on legend armastusest ja kaotusest, mis ulatub teispoolsusesse, paljastab ajapragudest leitud mütoloogia. Loss, mis ei valminud kunagi, kus ei ole keegi kunagi elanud, on mööduvale silmale vaid osa maastikust, aga liikidevahelises jutustuses saab temast peatagelane.

"On oluline, millised lood loovad maailmu, millised maailmad loovad lugusid."
Donna Haraway

Mis juhtub, kui me lubame teistel maailma-loomise-projektidel kujundada narratiive, mida me kasutame enda ja oma rolli mõistmiseks ökosüsteemis?

Selle lavastuse eesmärk on luua ainulaadne ruum, kus saab suhelda üleinimliku maailmaga, keskkonnaga, müütidega ja ajaga...sügavuti. Kohtumine lugudega, mis on sündinud läbi tantsude ümber maailma mõrade.



Optais amme is the final production of Sofia Filippou's master's course in contemporary performing arts (CPPM), with performances taking place on the 31st of May and the 1st and 2nd of June, at the ruins of Ungru castle, near Haapsalu.


A site-specific choreographic opera installation, involving a cast of 36 performers and the ruins of a castle that stands between becoming and decomposition. Rooted in a legend of love and loss, Ungru Lossi Varemed stretches into an other-worldly journey that reveals the mythologies found in the interstices. The castle, never completely built, never inhabited by humans, normally met as scenery on the car drive to Haapsalu, becomes the host and protagonist of a multi-sensorial exploration of intercultural/interspecies story-telling.

If we gather 1000€ we will manage to cover all of the transport and accommodation costs for the cast and team members, cover costs for materials for scenography and costumes

If we gather 1500€ we will manage to cover all of the transport and accommodation costs for the cast and team members, cover costs for materials for scenography and costumes, and labour costs

Ungru Lossi Varemed (photo by Joseph Campbell)

The creative team:

Author: Sofia Filippou (GR)
Sound Design/Composition: Ben Osborn (UK, GER)
Scenography/Architecture: Mari Möldre (ES)
Co-writer: Mia Tamme (ES)
Choreographic Contaminators: Pääsu-Liis Kens (ES), Helina Karvak (ES), Eline Selgis (ES)

Andreana Ambros, Daili Kruusamägi, Lotta Laureen Loo, Emma Lumi, Anette Merisalu, Janina Ruotsalainen, Iris Rämmeld, Agnes Katariina Selirand, Katrin-Liis Seppenen, Emmelgelina Sudovtseva, Annabel Sõlg, Kertu Vähi, Karin Aarelaid, Helen Agu, Polina Albert, Monika Annijerv, Mia Elise Ehasoo, Georg Eller, Merilin Kruberg, Sofia Martila, Elina Ojasaar, Mariann Onkel, Berta Parv, Karmen Teesi Pregel, Maria Schotter, Herta Soro, Lisette Taube, Annabel Vinnal, Laura Lisette Lepvalts, Helina Karvak, Eline Selgis, Sofia Filippou, Ben Osborn, Naira Hatšaturjan, Denis Vysokovych, Annabel Soode, Eemeli Solehmainen.

The performance brings together three of the main performing arts institutions (EMTA, TLU, TÜVKA), along with local and international artists to create a unique space of engagement with the more-than-human world, the environment at large, myth and deep time. An encounter with the stories born when we dance around the cracks in the narratives of our world.

For more information about the performance click HERE.

  • 20 hooandjat
  • 1500€kogutud 1500€ eesmärgist

Edukas projekt

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  • 67%kogutud
  • 3370€toetatud
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