Folk & Rockare debüütalbum "Fränder"Kasutaja  Säde  projekt kategoorias Muusika

We're Folk & Rockare - a band inspired by the Swedish and Estonian culture and folklore. 

Meie oleme Folk & Rockare - muusikaline koosseis inspireeritud rootsi ja eesti kultuurist ning pärimusest. (eestikeelne tekst asub lehe alumises osas)  

Ever since we were kids and started playing music, we've had a dream of creating something together with all the music we've been sharing throughout the years. In the spring of 2015 the dream started to become reality when we decided to form a band. Us three siblings, Natasja, Gabbi and Daniel Dluzewski together with Säde Tatar - the fourth member of our family.

”Folk och Rockare are astonishing from the very first note // This quartet make their own statement" – Piteå Newspapers 27/11/2016 

”Any kind of nordic folk music festival would be proud to host ‘Folk & Rockare’ // They captivate their audience.” – Ando Kiviberg, founder of Viljandi Folk Festival and governor of Viljandi county. Tallinn TV 08/02/2016  

We soon discovered the process of writing music to be even more thrilling than we expected. As siblings growing up together we have a lot in common musically, but we still got our own personal specialties and preferences. To make things better we got the freshness of a fourth members ideas and visions. Säde's own background contributed with a sound and a history we couldn't refuse. 

After a couple of tours and concerts in several countries, the inquires for a record made us realize it was the time to take the next step. The idea of a record was yet another adventure, to capture something only we and our audience had been sharing. We have named it "FRÄNDER", which means "Kin" in Swedish. Referring not only to our own story, but to everyone connecting through music, this strange global language.

Recording our music in Clockwork studio in Estonia was truly an experience. We basically locked the door to the studio and didn't go out before it all was finished.

People whom we couldn't have done it without:
recording sound engineers Elijah Ivanov, Silver Lepaste @clockwork studio (Estonia)
mixing Daniel Bergstrand @dugout studio (Sweden)
mastering George Nerantzis @dugout studio (Sweden)
CD design Laura Eiche (Estonia)  

Our heart beat for vocal harmonies, heavy riffs, the poetry of lyrics, soaring melodies and the sound of traditional music. All of this will be found on our record - a summary of our journey this far.   

We wish for our music to travel! On this page you can support our record and help us with the remaining steps of releasing this album.  

Don´t worry if you can’t contribute to the fundraiser, you can still help enormously by spreading the word about our campaign, making some noise and sharing this page with everyone you know! 

Keep an eye on us and our music:  

Me oleme pikka aega unistanud koos muusika loomisest ja meie ühine teekond sai alguse 2015. aasta kevadel. Pärast mitmeid kontserte ja festivale oli nii meil kui meie publikul tunne, et on aeg astuda järgmine samm.
Nüüd olemegi andmas välja oma debüütalbumit "Fränder", mis tähendab sugulasi ja jutustab lisaks meie oma loole ka loo maailmast, kus muusika on piiritu ja vaba. Me ammutame muusikat luues inspiratsiooni mõlema maa pärimuslugudest ja -lauludest. Loomise käigus segunevad uued ideed vanade traditsioonide ja tänapäevase kultuuri mõjutustega.
Plaadi salvestused toimusid Eestis, Clockwork Stuudios Tartus. See album on meie unistus jagada muusikat, mida oleme kaua armastuse ja hoolega loonud. Ja on inimesi, kes on selle unistuse realiseerimisel meile asendamatuteks kaaslasteks:
helirežissöörid Elijah Ivanov, Silver Lepaste @clockwork studio (Eesti)
heli miksimine Daniel Bergstrand @dugout studio (Rootsi)
heli mastestamine George Nerantzis @dugout (Rootsi)
plaadi disain Laura Eiche (Eesti)
Kuid kuna albumi välja andmine nõuab palju tööd ja on kulukas, siis oleme jõudnud siia, Hooandja keskkonda, et jagada oma plaane ja muusikat ka Sinuga. Nüüd on just Sinul võimalus eeltellida debüütalbum või valida mõni teine põnev kingitus. Sinu toetus läheb plaadi tegemisega kaasnevate erinevate kulude katteks. Oleme Sulle väga väga tänulikud! 
Oled teretulnud jagama seda Hooandja linki kõigiga, kes võiksid sellest projektist huvitatud olla. Ka see on suureks suureks abiks!
Kõige paremate soovidega,
Säde, Daniel, Natasja ja Gabbi


  • 107 hooandjat
  • 2053€kogutud 2000€ eesmärgist

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See projekt kogus toetuse 11.Jun.2017

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