SVJATA VATRA is working on its anniversary CD “Vabadus” (“Freedom”).
Svjata Vatra is a Viljandi-based estonian-ukrainian world music ensemble that's been representing Estonia in many countries and, of course, had countless concerts at home. The band has also produced a musical documentary “Püha Tuli” (Holy Fire) that has aired in Estonian and Ukrainian televisions and on festivals in Estonia, Finland, Ukraine and Poland.
In the fall of 2015, Svjata Vatra is celebrating its 10. anniversary with a brand new CD “Vabadus”. The material will be recorded in june and the CD will be released for the great Viljandi Folk Music Festival in the end of july. From there, the anniversary concerts will bring us to Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Canada and of course back home in Estonia.
We’ve been working on the new material for quite some time now, in cooperation with some of our old friends - for example the estonian texts are written by Anzori Barkalaja, Andres Noormets and Asko Künnap and some songs will be recorded together with Lea Dali Leon. The CD-s first song "Andesta. Armasta. Ela" was released as a single for Tallinn Music Week in march 2015.
For the production of this new record we’ve received support from Viljandi municipality and Kultuurkapital, but we’re still more than 3000.-EUR short.
So we thought - why not give our friends a chance to support our endeavours through this brilliant system “Hooandja”!? So here’s that chance now. ;)
Big thanks in advance and even bigger ones when we’re done with the job. See you all in the concerts!!
We’re going to let you in on a little secret now, cause we’re too proud about it to keep it to ourselves…
The thing is that we’ve developed quite a special cover for the first limited edition of the album.
A part of the CD cover is made of seed paper, it’s possible to easily separate that part of the cover, plant it in the soil and witness the growth of real, beatiful flowers that represent Estonian and Ukrainian national colours!!! All these CD covers are going to be hand crafted from the beginning to the end in the workshops of Tallinna Paberikoda.
As mentioned earlier, we will only release a limited amount of CD-s with these “alive” seed paper covers and we’re happy to offer you the possibility to be the first to receive one by supporting us here on Hooandja.
Back us with 25EUR or more: CD “Vabadus” with limited edition hand crafted seed paper cover, signed by all members of the band.