Tallinn by the Stand-Up Tour GuideUser's  StandUpTourGuide project in the category Print

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Tallinn by the Stand-Up Tour Guide” is a book that gives a straight-up introduction to Tallinn’s Old Town.

Old Thomas is a master tour guide who makes the history of Tallinn juicer than the best beef in a Buenos Aires steak house. So far his wit has been limited to his physical presence, but now you can find his rants and banter in one book – “Tallinn by the Stand-Up Tour Guide”. History does not have to be a boring sequence of names, dates and events – Old Thomas has rewritten history so that people would actually give a duck.

The book consists of three parts – a general introduction to Estonia, the Upper and the Lower parts of the Old Town, where readers are taken through a route of about 40 sights. One can even take the walk from the convenience of an armchair as the book is indeed illustrated with a cornucopia of photos. If you are reluctant to judge the book by its unbiased introduction on a crowd-funding site, go get a taste of it at www.facebook.com/StandUpTourGuide.

Get a sneak peek of the upcoming book.

The book’s layout and the first print, the photos and this cute Lego video, a website and an e-book to be created in the unforeseeable future – these things won’t take pay for themselves. Since Estonia’s propaganda department has recently merged with the editorial team of The Economist and projects like this are not eligible for support anymore, Old Thomas needs to pull himself up by his own bootstraps. This is where you step in.

If you chip in on this one, you would be among the first to get a copy of the book or have a chance to see its live presentation in the Old Town by the grand-old-man’s disciples (aka join a city tour). If this project succeeds, we aim to have the book published by the beginning of April. Tours for our backers will take place in April and May.



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  • 53%raised
  • 2394€pledged
  • 22 days to go