IX Nordic Student Singers’ Summit gala concert
26th of April 2014 at 7 pm in Tartu A le Coq Sports’ Arena
Main conductor of the gala concert: Triin Koch
Director: Anne Türnpu
Gala concert composer: Maria Kõrvits
Performers: 37 great student choirs with approximately 1400 singers from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Estonia and a chamber orchestra.
The IX Nordic Student Singers’ Summit will take place on the 24-27 April in Tartu, Estonia. This year’s festival brings together 1300 singers from Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The festival was first held in Linköping, Sweden in 1987. From then the festival has been organized in a different city every three years. In 1999 it took place in Tallinn and for this year’s festival is organized by choirs from both Tartu and Tallinn.
On the 24th-26th of April the concert halls in Tartu will be filled with great choral music. On the 24th and 25th of April 10 smaller concerts will take place and the festival culminates with a gala concert on the evening of the 26th of April. A specially written peace „Sea.Forest.City“ by a young composer Maria Kõrvits will fill the hall with sounds of waves, wind in the treetops and a city buzzing. This concert is a representation of the nordic people and their character. That is also why our slogan is Me/We („me“ meaning „we“ in Estonian).
At the beginning of the orginizing process it was soon known to us, that none of the concert halls in Tartu was big enough for us. Even if we spilt the festival people between St. John’s Church, the University auditorium and the Vanemuine Concert Hall, which are the 3 biggest concert halls in Tartu, we could not fit everyone. And since the weather in April can be unpredictable, we did not dare to hold the concert at the Song Festival Arena.
Finally, we landed on A le Coq Sport’s Arena and even though we think it’s the most beautiful sport’s hall in Tartu, turning this place into a concert hall is very expensive and time-consuming. The walls need to be covered with black fabrick, proper lighting and sound equipment need to be rented, comfortable chairs for the audience must be set up along with many other tasks. And this is why we ask your help. Please help us turn this sport’s hall into a wonderful concert place for one evening!
See you in Tartu!
Your Nordic Student Singers’ Summit organizing team
See also nsss2014.ut.ee and https://www.facebook.com/Nsss2014Tartu
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