"Nora" - a novel by Margus AruUser's  Margus Aru project in the category Print

Good reading dear supporter!
A 12-year old girl, grieving for her brother, meets an alien who turns into a boy in front of her eyes. Their friendship turns into a fatal challenge for her parents.
Nora is a book for every child, adolescent and adult, who has a dream or who wants to rediscover his or her dream to live for. Nora is a guide to the freedom of the human soul and true happiness.
I am glad that my first book "Nora" is about to be published. It is the greatest joy to bring your creation to the readers. I will use your support for the preparation, printing and marketing of the book.
The book and Nora's mp3-file will reach the supporters by Christmas. Other presents will be delivered in the beginning of the New Year.
Your support is valuable, helping us all a step closer to our dream life! Give a gift to yourself and your nearest and dearest.
A big thank you and may all our real dreams come true!
All the best,
Margus Aru

  • 68 backers
  • 3532€raised of 3500€ goal

Successful project

This project was funded on 23.Dec.2016

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