Short Film "Revenge"User's  Astrid Laupmaa project in the category Film & Photo

Dear Supporters,

We invite you to contribute to the production of our short film "Revenge".

The film, starring 9-year-old Lineth Hirvela, is a youth film for grown-ups. We are going back to a time that was not so long ago, to 1990's, when people were less alienated from nature. Children did not spend their time online and behind the screens, but playing outside, if possible in nature. But each environment has its own dangers and rules and even a child must stand his own ground.

Where are we?

We have already done a big part of the work, which was made possible thanks to many helpers and supporters who were willing to participate. But montage and sound editing still wait to be completed. For that we need your support!

Every small contribution will bring us closer to the goal!


About the film:

It is the early 1990's and 8 year old Maria is spending another summer at grandparents' place in the middle of South-Estonian forests. In the farmhouse life happens hand in hand with farmwork. Maria's task is to herd the sheep. She feels herself at home in the woods and has her own tricks to combine sheep grazing with her gamesHowever, one day, she experiences a serious confrontation with bumblebees and following hardships encourage her to take a revenge. The film talks about the world of children, where their own rules apply. Instead of screens, children spent more time in nature. Looking back, it seems that those times were more dangerous. But, in fact, children's rules of games are the same through ages. Maybe we have less bees to fight these days but the virtual enemies might be as dangerous, though invisible. 


June - August 2018
Actor tests, preparations, locations and shooting the film.

November - December 2018
Cutting room and sound editing.

Early 2019
Final version prepared. Screening.

Festivals and distributing the film.


Scriptwriting and directing by Astrid Laupmaa, Operator Janar Hakk and art by Jaanika Jüris, cast: Lyneth Hirvela and others.

  • 77 backers
  • 3000€raised of 3000€ goal

Successful project

This project was funded on 10.Dec.2018

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  • 5%raised
  • 680€pledged
  • 36 days to go