Tampere Teatterikesä, the biggest theatre festival in the Nordic countries takes place for the 46th time on 4–10 August.
In cooperation with the Estonian Theatre Agency we organise a drama slam during the festival. Newst texts by Estonian playwrights are translated into English/Finnish; the authors include Paavo Piik, Martin Algus, Andra Teede, Andri Luup, Mari-Liis Lill. Besides drama readings we build a Dramaland lounge for two days, where we distribute recent theatre information.
The aim is to introduce recent Estonian drama and find possibilities to stage them in Finnish and Nordic theatres, perhaps even further afield.
The main programme includes four Estonian production under the joint name of “Case Viro”: Theatre NO99’s "The Big Feast ", R.A.A.A.M’s "Wasteland", Cabaret Rhizome’s "Mutandance" and the Finnish-Estonian cooperation "Kitchen / Keittiö" by Rakvere theatre which received the Finnish national culture award in 2013. The side-programme presents children’s productions by Piip ja Tuut theatre, and we also show NO99’s legendary documentary film ““Where the dust comes and the money goes? “Case Viro” culminates on 8 August with Vaiko Eplik’s concert.
The invasion of Estonian theatre in Finland is only possible thanks to good long-term cooperation partners and sponsors, volunteers and naturally the friends of theatre. The target group are the Finns, other neighbours in the Nordic countries and of course 60 000 Estonians who live in Finland.
In order to carry all this out we need a bit of your help, dear friend of theatre!
The awards arrive by post. In case of more urgent gifts connected with the 4.08 festival we phone and agree on details with the supporters. We send invitations to the grand dinner.
Thanking you in advance,
“Case Viro” coordinators
Liisa Ojaveer and Grete Ahtola

Big Feast, NO99 Tiit Ojasoo