Celladoria rühmvõimlejad Bulgaaria ja Soome karikasarja võistlustele User's  Elle-Riin Ulfsak project in the category Sport

Celladoria team trains in the oldest gymnastics club in Estonia, Piruett, and belongs to the category A competition group of aesthetic group gymnastics. It is a very graceful area that requires extreme flexibility as well as athletic ability. Group gymnastics is coordinated by the International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics - IFAGG - and various international major competitions and world championships take place within IFAGG.

Reaching the 'competition' group (the highest level) of the highest category (a,b,c etc.) is the goal of every gymnast. A big difference with many other sports is the fact that top-level group gymnastics is done at a very young age, this in turn means that training starts very young, in the Celladoria team for example already at 2-3 years old. Thus both financial and time investments have to be made far earlier on in life compared to other sports.


The Celladoria team consists of 11 great girls aged 9-10 years who train in excess of 10+ hours a week, every week. They are coached by former group gymnast Helen Linnok, whose greatest achievement is a 4th place at the World Championships! Although the members of Celladoria are young, they have already shown high motivation and a good level in various Estonian and international competitions. These determined and experienced little gymnasts already have 15 gold medals to show for it and aiming for many more as well as great success in even higher levels.

Celladoria entered the first international competition organized as part of the World Cup with a waiver to compete due to the squad being too young to automatically compete. This waiver is rare and shows the maturity and ability level of the group. Celladoria are not like other groups, for example, in the first day of this international competition, Celladoria held the second place, only losing to the championship team, who were two years older, by 0.8 points, one of the smallest margins possible. We can be more than satisfied with the results of the 7-8 year old group, although the members themselves are adamant they want to and can win gold next time. With this result, Celladoria powerfully entered the international competition of group gymnasts, making sure the whole competition now know who they are and they are in fact a force at this level, even at such a young age.



This spring, very important foreign competitions will take place again in Bulgaria and Finland, and Celladoria will finally be able to compete with peers. The girls are convinced that they will not come back without a medal. Do not doubt the words of these hard-working girls.

  • 7000 euros - Celladoria will have the opportunity to participate in the Bulgarian Cup.
  • 10 000 euros - Celladoria can also participate in the Finnish Cup.

Cup series are the biggest competitions that little gymnasts can take part in.

Any amount helps! Help Celladoria's dreams come true!


Social media

Youtube: 2022/23 competition routine

  • 172 backers
  • 8211€raised of 8211€ goal

Successful project

This project was funded on 16.Mar.2023