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Kui sa oled esimest korda Hooandja platvormil ja soovid annetada, siis esimese sammuna on sul vaja end seal sisse logida.


Vali – nupp “Anna projektile hoogu!” või vali kingituse väärtus, mida tänutäheks soovid!

  • Sulle avaneb aken, millel on 3 võimalust jätkamiseks
  • Jätka facebookiga, Logi sisse või Liitu Hooandjaga – kui jõudsid siia läbi FB, siis jätka Facebookiga klikkides sinisel “Connect” nupul.
  • Avaneb uus aken, „Continue as …. (sinu FB kasutajanimi).“ Kliki sinisele nupule.

Nüüd oled valmis annetama!

Automaatselt on märgitud 10 EUR annetus, sina saad ise valida soovitud toetussumma.

Selleks on mitu võimalust:

  • Vali sobiv annetus märkides tärnike valitud summas kingituse ette
  • Või kirjuta annetusumma ülal olevasse kastikesse ise
  • Lehekülje lõpus on soovikorral võimalus kingitusest loobuda
  • Kliki lehekülje lõpus „Edasi“ nuppu.


Avaneb uus aken maksevõimalustega.

  • Siin on sul võimalus toetada Hooandjat. Seda ei pea valima. Võid rohelise linnukese ära võtta.
  • Nõustu Hooandja reeglitega.
  • Vali Makseviis tärniga ja Sisene panka, et makse teostada.

NB! Polli Talu uue rookatuse projekti toetatakse olenemata sellest, kas jõuame kolmanda etapi lõppsummani või mitte, sest oleme ületanud esimese etapi künnise! Hooandja loeb projekti seetõttu igal-juhul juba edukaks!

Sinu poolt annetatud toetusraha saab kindlalt investeeritud, suurte tänukummarduste saatel, Polli Talu peamaja uude rookatusesse!



If you visit the Kickstarter platform for the time, you need to log in.

How can you log in?

Choose button „Back a Project!“ or choose a present of a certain value, which you would like to receive.

  • A window opens, which gives your three possibilities to continue
  • Log in through Facebook, Login or Join Hooandja – if you got here through FB then continue with Facebook by clicking on the blue „Connect“ button.
  • A new window will open, „Continue as ... (your Facebook name).“ Click on the blue button.

Now you are ready to donate!

The system brings up an automatic sum to donate, which is 10 EUR. However you can choose the amount you want to donate.

For that you have several options:

  • Choose your preferred donation by making a star in front of the sum you’d like to donate
  • Or write the sum you’d like to donate into the little box on the left upper side  yourself
  • At the bottom of the page you also have the choice to decline a gift
  • At the end of the page click the blue „Next“ button.

Submit Payment

A new window will open with payment options.

  • Here you can support „Hooandja“. That is optional. You can remove the green check mark.
  • Check the box to give your consent to abide by Hooandja rules.
  • Choose your payment option and enter your bank to make the payment. You can also pay with PayPal.

NB! The building of Polli Talu´s new reed roof will be supported by Hooandja independent of the fact, whether we will reach our fundraising goal in the third segment of fundraising or not. The reason for that is, that we have surpassed the goal of Section One. In other words: Hooandja already considers our project to be successful!

Your donation will be invested with certainty into the building of Polli Talu’s main house new reed roof. Many thanks in advance for your support!




New Thatched Roof for Polli Talu Arts Center

  • 95%raised
  • 15117€pledged
  • 5 days to go


euros have been given to various projects


projects have been successfully funded


backers have funded our projects

Successfully completed projects

Estonian fashion brand VANPRE to Riga Fashion Week

  • 100%raised
  • 2000€pledged
  • Funded14.06.2019

Dancing on the Wheels

  • 115%raised
  • 2412€pledged
  • Funded20.05.2018

Celladoria rühmvõimlejad Bulgaaria ja Soome karikasarja võistlustele

  • 82%raised
  • 8211€pledged
  • Not funded18.03.2023

The Hi-Flyin' Combo 7" vinyl EP release

  • 128%raised
  • 1540€pledged
  • Funded02.10.2023
Successfully completed projects

Our partners