Miriam SüldreHas backed 5 projects
Pledge history
The release of Gerda Lõokene music album "The journey of the soul"
- 101%raised
- 5031€pledged
- Funded26.11.2024
Helisevad taimemeditatsiooni kaardid
- 102%raised
- 5582€pledged
- Funded06.05.2024
New album "ööLooD" by Leana.island & Kulno Malva
- 122%raised
- 6081€pledged
- Funded06.05.2024
Mareti debüütalbumi "Pai tee oma hingel" väljaandmine
- 102%raised
- 3685€pledged
- Funded01.12.2023
Maaria Treima's first solo exhibition "Mandorla"
- 123%raised
- 4905€pledged
- Funded27.06.2023