Mari-Liis Garcia
Olen Kaspari ja Kaarli mitteametlik mänedžer ja tegelikkuses ka viimase vanem õde. Kaarlit olen tema teekonnal saatnud praktiliselt alates tema sportlaskarjääri algusest saadik. Endise sportlasena, kes on samuti tundnud rahvusvaheliste võistluste võlu ja valu, ei kahelnud ma hetkegi, kui mult abi paluti. Tean omast käest, et vähem populaarsetel spordialadel on Eestis tihtipeale keerulisem rahastust leida, seega teen kõik, mis võimalik, et neil see projekt õnnestuks.
Meet the unofficial manager of Kaspar and Kaarel; in fact the older sister of the latter. I’ve accompanied Kaarel on his journey basically from the beginning of his athlete’s career. As a former athlete myself who has tasted the pain and the gain of international competitions, I didn’t hesitate for a second when I was asked to help them. I know, from first hand experience, that less popular sports in Estonia have difficulties finding the necessary funding; therefore, I will do all that is in my power to help to make this project work.
Meet the unofficial manager of Kaspar and Kaarel; in fact the older sister of the latter. I’ve accompanied Kaarel on his journey basically from the beginning of his athlete’s career. As a former athlete myself who has tasted the pain and the gain of international competitions, I didn’t hesitate for a second when I was asked to help them. I know, from first hand experience, that less popular sports in Estonia have difficulties finding the necessary funding; therefore, I will do all that is in my power to help to make this project work.
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My Projects
- 139%raised
- 4866€pledged
- Funded02.02.2017